First Steps (Babies)
Aged 2½ - 4 years
Miss Alex created ‘First Steps’ herself after struggling to find a pre-school dance programme that was fun, truly engaging and inclusive. After lots of research and trialling Miss Alex create the syllabus she’d want her own children to do and all the teachers in the school have been trained to teach First Steps.
This class is based around a story theme which builds over the course of each half term. Children explore a variety of movements using the themes to explore balance, musicality and basic motor skills. The story themes inspire imagination and creativity, building the self-esteem and confidence to progress to the next level.

Aged 2½ - 4 years

Aged 4 - 5 years
This is the first taste of a syllabus based class. The children learn set exercises with the basics of technique being introduced. Imagery and use of storytelling still plays a large part in this class.

Aged 5 - 6 years
Primary level is structured much more like a grown up ballet class with steps that increase in speed and elevation and a dance to be performed at the end. The children learn the syllabus in small chunks, building up to a class performance exam.

At Acton Ballet School we work hard to make our classes inclusive and respect the energy that boys tend to bring to the class. We welcome boys of all ages and in many classes they will not be alone.
Miss Alex was taught by the real Billy Elliot and would love to train the next!

Grades 1 & 2
Aged 7 - 9 years
This is the first of the graded exams and those who wish to take an exam and are ready will be given homework to practice.
This is the first time the children are introduced to lots of the more advanced technique and the use of turnout of the legs becomes much more a focus.

Grades 3-5

Aged 9+
The exercises and technique becomes more advanced and parents are welcome to watch classes and take notes of corrections and homework.

Grades 6 - 8
These higher grades are of a similar format to the lower grades, with Character and Free Movement, but each Grade is based on the style of a particular ballet. Each exercise is longer and there is much more emphasis on dynamics.

Vocational Grades
The Vocational Grades have no character work, instead there is pointe work. This starts at a fairly basic level, but quickly increases as the grades progress. There is a definite focus on the dancer as an artist at this level.

Tap & Modern
We currently run tap and modern classes on Wednesdays, we have grades 2 and 5 for children aged 9 and above. We take part in an annual Tapathon event raising money for BBC's Children In Need Appeal and this event is also a world record attempt. This event is open to all ages and levels.
For more information on tap and modern see the
'about IDTA' section or ask Miss Alex.

Sign Up & Join
New Starter Form
Click the '.pdf' link to the right to open the registration form in your browser. To download it to your computer right click and 'save file as' or 'save target as'. Please fill in the form and email it back to Miss Alex. If you aren’t sure which class to join feel free to phone or email to check.